In the era of the ebook, a cover design must be able to not only market itself on the shelf but also on electronic interfaces. As a designer, I was tasked with the challenge of assigning a more modern identity to two different novels.

Jacket for Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea


For my first choice, I selected Ernest Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea. Hemingway’s final fictional work was extremely influential on my early reading interest and remains one of my all-time favorite reads. In the process of the redesign, I felt that novel’s cover should reflect the prominent role that the protagonist, Santiago, has throughout this epic fishing tale.

Jacket for Pike’s God and Evil


For the second text, I selected a title from a list of novels written during the mid-century modern design period. I chose Nelson Pike’s God and Evil for my redesign. The design features simplistic title text over a fractured and distant cross shape and represents the text’s ominous and foreboding title.


